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Technology Time Warp

For the past year or so, I have grown more resistant and less eager to scroll through the laundry list of different apps that haunt my phone. I am definitely more aware and conservative with my screen time. Whether I am feeling bored, looking for something to do, or trying to pass the time, my brain immediately thinks it would be a good idea to unlock my phone and fall into the rabbit hole of information. In general, it seems impossible to unlock your phone without becoming distracted by the numerous notifications that take over your home and lock screen. Screen time has become such a normal activity, that we do not even realize the daily toll it takes on our psychological well-being. In a research article published by the US National Library of Medicine , the association between screen time and lower psychological well-being among children and young adults was examined. After collecting information from the parents of 44,734 children, researchers concluded that children who are high
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Divergent Thinking

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What The Heck is an Echo Chamber?

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Are Our Lives ACTUALLY Private?

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My Online Footprint

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Diffusion of Innovation

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Eight Values of Free Expression: Individual Self-Fulfillment

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