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Showing posts from March, 2020

Diffusion of Innovation

Using the Com Tech Timeline was an innovative and interactive way to understand and further discuss the evolution of communication technology. Though, we covered technology dating back to 3500 BC, we stopped once we touched on inventions from 2007. With the rapid advancement of technology in the past 15 years, we could easily develop an entire timeline dedicated to communication technology from 2007-2020. One of the most popular forms of communication technology that has emerged in the past ten years are social media platforms. With a few clicks, social media platforms have made it remarkably easy to share photos, videos, "tweets", and endless information with people across the world. I think the use of social media has caught on as a commonly used form of communication technology, because it allows people to connect effortlessly, no matter the time or the place. I would say that in the past ten years, Instagram has gained an enormous amount of popularity amongst all gene

Eight Values of Free Expression: Individual Self-Fulfillment

After becoming more familiar with the eight values of free expression, I felt a genuine connection with the value of individual self-fulfillment. It is strange to think about how our country and its people would function without the right to express themselves and be their own individual. It is a part of our nature to fulfill our hopes and desires. “In this way, self-fulfillment betokens a life well lived, a life that is deeply satisfying, fruitful, and worthwhile.” (Gewirth, Alan.) I believe that this is one of the most important values of free expression, because without it we would not hear opinions, provoking thoughts, or raise questions that make ourselves and others truly think. I have the ability to explain my ideas to you, because free speech and self-fulfillment allow me to. Free speech grants us the capability to share our thoughts and beliefs with the world around us. Although, with the rise in use of social media platforms and online interfaces, people may feel less in

Anti-war Voices

The "Anti-war movement" is a communal movement, particularly in opposition to the nation starting or continuing armed conflict. The websites that I explored, "" and "The American Conservative" are similar is that they are both aimed at libertarians, pacifists, and independents alike. I believe that I have never heard of these websites and that you must really go out of your way to find them, because they promote and suggest "Anti-American" views. Many of their ideas go against current political parties and they are dedicated to making sure our leaders "are not going to be allowed to get away with in unopposed and unchallenged". Looking more closely at the, they provide countless information on events happening in other countries, a blog covering current events, and they even went as far as providing a tab to see US casualties in Iraq. Overall, the website and the information offered is overwhelming. It seems lik

The Evolution of Communication Technology

As the popularity of streaming services continues to grow and revolutionize, less and less people are continuing to use cable providers. Why continue to pay hundreds of dollars each month for cable, when you can sign up for various streaming services at an extremely lower cost. Netflix is one of the most popular internet entertainment platforms used today, with over 167 million paid memberships. Interestingly enough, the idea of Netflix was created after owners Reed Hastings and Mark Randolph, became frustrated after being charged $40 for an overdue movie rental. The two created Netflix with the intention to run the business as an online-based DVD rental service, but later on developed the site into being solely subscription based. Today the site offers a wide range of movies. television shows, and new series created by Netflix. I think that streaming services are one of the most extraordinary ways that communication technology has changed and developed. With a few clicks of the re